Wednesday, 25 September 2013


What is the CRM

“CRM is a business strategy designed to optimize profitability, revenue customer satisfaction”
What is salesfroce CRM?
“CRM is a business strategy designed to optimize profitability, revenue customer satisfaction”

Administrator (System Administrator)

One or more individuals in your organization who can configure and customize the application. Users assigned to the System Administrator profile have administrator privileges.

Application Programming Interface (API)

The interface that a computer system, library, or application provides to allow other computer programs to request servicesfrom it and exchange data

What are the standard objects?

Q: Why towards CRM?
1) CRM is software, system, technology.
2) CRM is data storage & analysis.
3) CRM changed corporate culture from transaction focus to a customer centric  
4) CRM is “Managing demand”.
5) CRM is strategy cycle focusing on customers.

Q: Customer Relationships?

1) Knowledge people,
2) Responsiveness
3) Understanding
4) Promptness
5) Accuracy
6) Accessibility
7) Follow-up
8) No-Surprise
9) Security
10) Communication
11) 1-1 Interaction

Q: Benefits of CRM?

1) Growth in number of customers
2) Maximization of opportunities
3) Long term profitability & sustainability
4) Helps sales staff close deals faster
5) Reduce cost
6) Increase customer satisfaction
7) Ensuring customer focus

Q: CRM Technologies?

1) Marketing – List generator, Campaign management, Cross-Selling & Up-Selling.
2) Sales – Sales management, Contract management, Opportunity Management.
3) Customer Service – Contact Center, web-based, self-service, call scripting.
Q: Importance of channels?

Ans: Key data about customers comes from channels.
Channels are the way , A company interact with customers.
Ex:- Direct Mail, Email ,Banner adds, Telemarketing, Messages, Customer Centers.
Q: Values of gathering feedback?
1) Understand what your customer really need
2) Give users a voice
3) Make them part of the process
4) Drive adoption by giving users need.

Q: What is customer?

A Transaction, An Account, An individual, A household.
The Customer as a transaction- purchases made with cash are anonymous. Most web surfing in anonymous

Q: What are methods of gathering feedback?

Ans: Phone, Voice Mail, Email, Meetings, Survey, Committees.

Q: CRM & Other CRM Products?

Sales marketing (business) Process (or) Sales Architecture?

Campaign                                                                       Service

Lead                                                                               Case

Opportunity                                                                    Asset

Quotation          Order            Invoice

Formulas fields

Formulas fields-salesforce

Q: Formulas are fields return types? platform allow you to create formula is similar to an equation that is executed at run time.

Depending on the context of the formula, it can make use of various data and operation to perform the calculation

The data type of a formula determines the type of data you expect returned from formula.

This document contains the following categories of custom formula samples:
• Account Management
• Account Media Service Links
• Case Management
• Commission Calculations
• Contact Management
• Data Categorization
• Date Calculations
• Discounting
• Employee Services
• Expense Tracking
• Financial Calculations
• Image Links
• Integration Links
• Lead Management
• Metrics
• Opportunity Management
• Pricing
• Project Management
• Scoring Calculations

Formulas are fields return types
·        Currency
·        Data
·        Data/time
·        Number
·        Percent
·        Text



·         *
·         /
·         +
·         -
·         ^
·         ()

Logical Operators
·         = and ==
·         <> and! =
·         < 
·         > 
·         <=
·         >=
·         &&
·         ||

Text Operators

·         &

Date and Time Functions

·         DATE
·         DATEVALUE
·         DAY
·         MONTH
·         NOW
·         TODAY
·         YEAR
Informational Functions
·         BLANKVALUE
·         ISBLANK
·         NULLVALUE
·         PRIORVALUE
Logical Functions
·         AND
·         CASE
·         IF
·         ISCHANGED
·         ISNEW
·         ISNUMBER
·         NOT
·         OR
Math Functions
·         ABS
·         CEILING
·         EXP
·         FLOOR
·         LN
·         LOG
·         MAX
·         MIN
·         MOD
·         ROUND
·         SQRT
Text Functions
·         BEGINS
·         BR
·         CONTAINS
·         FIND
·         HTMLENCODE
·         HYPERLINK
·         IMAGE
·         INCLUDES
·         ISPICKVAL
·         JSENCODE
·         LEFT
·         LEN
·         LOWER
·         LPAD
·         MID
·         RIGHT
·         RPAD
·         SUBSTITUTE
·         TEXT
·         TRIM
·         UPPER
·         URLENCODE
·         VALUE
·         INCLUDE
·         LINKTO
·         REGEX
·         URLFOR
·         VLOOKUP

Encoding Functions

·         HTMLENCODE
·         JSENCODE

·         URLENCODE

Validation rule

Validation rule-salesforce

Validation rule:
A validation rule is a formula, evaluated when a record is saved, that prevents the save operation if the formula evaluates to true.
·         That the validation is executed whenever a user attempts to insert or change a record.
·         Existing records are not checked to see if they pass any new validation checks.
·         Uses an error condition formula that evaluates to either true or false

Available in:
Contact ManagerGroupProfessionalEnterpriseUnlimited, and Developer Editions

Use the following samples for validation rules in and AppExchange
apps, including:

• Account Validation Rules
• Contact Validation Rules
• Opportunity Management Validation Rules
• Quote Validation Rules
• Call Center Validation Rules
• User, Role, and Profile Validation Rules
• Account Address Validation Rules
• Date Validation Rules
• Number Validation Rules
• Cross Object Validation Rules
• Community Validation Rules (Answers and Ideas)
• Other Validation Rules


Q: What Approval Actions?
Q: What types of Approval Process?
Q: Who many steps created Approval process?


·         Approval processes allow you to specify a sequence of steps that are required to approve a new record.
·         Each step allows one or more designated approvers to accept or reject a record. The steps can apply to all records included in the process, or just to records that meet certain Requirements.

 Approval processes also allow you to specify actions—like
·         sending an email alert,
·         updating a field value,
·         assigning a task

What are the emails Approval Response?
·         Approve
·         Approved
·         Reject
·         Rejected
·         Yes
·         No
What are components?
·         Rule
·         Action
·         Time
What types of Approval process?
·         Jump start wizard
·         Standard setup wizard

Your Name Setup Create Workflow & Approvals Approval Processes, and then click
Approve New Position.

In the Initial Submission Actions related list, click Add New, and select Field Update.
Additional Approval Actions
Category Type Values

·         Name:
·         Set Status to Open Approved
·         Field to Update:
·         Status
·         Final Approval Field Update
·         Actions
·         A specific value: Open - Approved
·         Name:
·         Set Status to Closed - Not Approved
·         Field to Update: Status
·         Final Rejection Field Update

·         Actions

·         A specific value: Closed - Not Approved
·         Name: Set Close Date to Today

·         Field to Update: Close Date
·         Final Rejection Field Update
·         Actions
·         Use a formula to set the new value: TODAY ()
Activating Our Approval Process
1. Click Your Name Setup Create Workflow & Approvals Approval
Processes to return to the approval process list page.

2. Click Activate next to the Approve New Position approval process